20 Years Later: The Salvation Army Remembers 9/11

Sep 10, 2021

The Salvation Army’s response to the 9/11 attacks was called “Compassion Under Fire.”

While first responders and other organizations were called upon to evacuate individuals, administer life-saving procedures, and clear rubble, The Salvation Army’s role was to provide for basic needs like food, water, and emotional and spiritual care.

We arrived at ground zero within 30 minutes of the first airplane striking the World Trade Center. In addition to providing immediate relief, The Salvation Army provided more than three million meals, and one million hours of service from nearly 40,000 officers, staff and volunteers in the nine months of recovery that followed.

It was The Salvation Army’s largest mobilization of services in the United States. We also served those impacted by the attack at the Pentagon and Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

With 2021 marking twenty years since that tragic day, we call on everyone pause and participate in service, healing, and remembrance in 2021.

You can find more stories about The Salvation Army’s response to the 9/11 attacks here at the War Cry magazine.

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